About — HAL

50 Years and counting

Established in 1974, HAL Industries Inc. is a leader in the manufacture and development of protective construction membranes. The company operates 2 manufacturing facilities located within the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada. A progressive quality control program ensures that all its products meet and exceed appropriate industry standards and specifications.

HAL Industries Inc. strives to anticipate the future needs of its customers, and works to provide solutions to challenges faced in the construction industry.

Images of product rolls on pallets, being unrolled over roofs, and applied to housing envelopes

HAL in the community

To all of our loyal customers, thank you for your consistent support throughout our 50 year history. You have made it possible for us to provide continuous employment for our amazing crew and staff, to develop new innovative products, and to support many deserving charities, community projects and research initiatives. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you and we are excited to see what we can do together in the future.


“For over 30 years, HAL Industries has proudly supported the Surrey Hospital Foundation and our vision of bringing the latest technology, research, talents & academic excellence to create world class facilities. Together, we’ve changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, women, children and seniors in Surrey and neighbouring communities and have become an unstoppable force towards the best health care for everyone.”

— Jane Adams, President & CEO, Surrey Hospital Foundation.

Surrey Hospital Foundation Logo

“I want to express my sincere thanks for HAL’s support of respiratory health for children and infants at Langley Memorial Hospital. As a respiratory therapist, it is important for me and my team to have the life-saving tools we need to help our patients. You have been instrumental in helping us obtain a pediatric and infant ventilator for the hospital. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.”

— Gaurav Kumar, RRT, Professional Practice Leader, Langley Memorial Hospital.

Logos for: RCABC, ARCA, VRCA, IIBEC, NRCA, NWCB, BC Wall & Ceiling Association, Western States Roofing Contractors Association, BCBEC, AARA, SCAA

Memberships & Affiliations

RCABC - Roofing Contractor's Association of British Columbia

NRCA - National Roofing Contractors Association, USA

WSRCA - Western States Roofing Contractors Association, USA

ARCA - Alberta Roofing Contractors Association

NWCB - Northwest Wall & Ceiling Bureau

BCWCA - British Columbia Wall and Ceiling Association

BCBEC - British Columbia Building Envelope Council

VCRA - Vancouver Regional Construction Association

IIBEC - International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants

SCAA - Siding Contractors Association of Alberta

AARA - Alberta Allied Roofing Association